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Concert Program
Sunday, October 13, 2024, 4 p.m.
Buskirk-Chumley Theater, Bloomington, IN
Presented by Seda Negra/Black Silk Dance Company
Directed by Iris Rosa Santiago
Opening by African American Dance Company, Directed by Baba Stafford C. Berry, Jr.
African American Dance Company
Baba Stafford C. Berry, Jr., Director
From Earth (Work in Progress)
Choreography: Baba Stafford C. Berry, Jr. and Dancers
Music: “Tunnels” by Lalah Hathaway
Mendiani (2023)
Choreography: Baba Stafford C. Berry, Jr.
Music: Mamady Keita
Attire: Baba Stafford C. Berry, Jr. and Kelvin Burzon
Dancers: The Company
Mendiani is a traditional rite of passage dance from the Maninka (Malinke) ethnic group in Guinea and one of the oldest in the West African dance cannon. It has been danced to celebrate young girls as they make their way into young adulthood, demonstrating newfound knowledge through the dancing. Mendiani further serves to select a successor for the ‘best dancer’ title.
Mendiani is dedicated to the woman-identified members of AADC.
Seda Negra/Black Silk Dance Company
Iris Rosa Santiago, Director
As we embark on our journey, we begin with the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. This symbolic illustration of the journey from Africa to the New World represents the beginning of migratory stories revolutionizing and transforming lives.
Part I: Voyage to the New World
They came before us
From Ghana the Ashanti, Fanti
Yoruba, Ibo, Congo, Carabali
Across the Water
Swaying, praying, dying, landing
Bringing their cultures and religions
To countries, like,
Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, and Peru
These are just to name a few countries
That now bring us
Platano, mangu, mofongo, callaloo
Frititas de bacalao, Sancocho, yams, and okra, too
Seasoned Greens and cornbread, and ice-cold sweet tea
Comfort food for the soul, nourishment for our hearts
Ancestors’ warmth and that’s just a start
Of a voyage that would change lives forever.
Poem: “They Came” written and spoken by Iris Rosa Santiago
Music: “Columbus Ghost” by Mutabaruka, “The Rhy in You” by Tarufiq Qureshi
Dancers: Entire Company
Part II: Opening the Doors
The Orisha of the crossroads to our lives, Elegua, opens the pathways to lives. Opportunities to trek and wonder to find where we belong.
Bara su wayo omo (n) ya la wana
Vital force who far and wide appears;
Child that separates splits and divides the road
Ko mama kena irawo e
Do not cut the Initiates mat of goodness
O Bara wayo Eke e Esu Odara - omo (n) yalawa na
Vital force who comes to deliver (us), Forked Stick
Esu performer of wonders
Child that separates splits and divides the road
Ko mama kena irawo e
Do not cut the Initiate’s mat of goodness
Dancer: Jayna Ratcliff
Music: “Elegua” by Okonkolo
Part III: Desplegando el Camino / Unfolding the Path
Owner of all roads, the crossroads, opens and closes doors to the pathways of our lives.
You who guards the entrances and exits of the earth,
the roads that cross, the winds that blow, the eyes that see all corners of the world.
Elegua pregunta
Quales son los caminos en tu vida?
Which pathways are the ones in your life
and have you ever asked yourself why you follow a certain camino or pathway?
The garabato, hooked stick, that separates the bush to clear the path.
Setting eyes ahead and not looking back,
reaching to the heavens for illumination
Dancers: Entire Company
Music: “Alumbanche – traditional” by Pan Afrikan Dance & Drum Ensemble
Part IV: Living in the Crossroads
Living in the crossroads
Is it temptation, tragedy, opportunity, influence, or trust?
Ambitions, success, curiosity or is it just us looking for that pathway that illuminates our desires, needs or diversions.
Can we find gratitude, grace, and growth?
A new awakening, for freedom, and safety lives in finding the road to
your destiny and fate
Dancers: Entire company
Music: “Tomorrow Never Comes” by Rishi & Harshil
Part V: Fate and Destiny
Ayudame encontrar mi camino
Help me find the pathway best suited for me.
Help me find the pathway best suited for me.
Obatala, creator of wisdom, mentor me
Oya, help me survive the tempest.
as I dream of new beginnings and the realms of possibilities
Dancers: Camille Beck, Kelvin Burzon, Hannah Crane, Cherese Dillman, Amelia Smith, Jiang Xu 江凝旭
Music: “Elegua (A Prayer for The Children)” Featuring Gregorio Bento, Gwen Bunn, Nick, Hakim & William Gittens
Part VI: Ibeji
Duality of humans
One spirit, two bodies that can be
compatible, cooperative, obliging
One spirit, two bodies that can be
Opposites like
Day and night
Right and left
Up and down
Strong and weak
Independent and interdependent
One cell split into two but share the essence of Ibeji, you both are connected. Representing two sides of living
Elegua, Elegua, you are the combination of opposites, but you also are the balance of opposing forces.
Come retrieve your children and teach them how to be stable and maintain equilibrium between the two sides of the looking glass.
Dancers: Entire Company
Music: “Ku-Ka-Ilimoku: Ku-Ka-Ilimoku for Percussion” by The Concordia Orchestra & Marin Alsop
Part VII: Ancestors
I had a dream. I was in the clouds.
Elegua on one side of me and one of my ancestors on the other side of me
The road opened for safe passageway.
Our ancestors, through their experience, they leave us history, because they have walked this earth and now want to guide us through the pathways.
We sing, we dance to invoke the spirits of those who have left us gifts.
These gifts are a testament to what we can do with their guidance and counseling to keep their spiritual essence alive
What do ancestors mean to you.
How do you connect with your ancestors?
Dancers: Entire Company
Text: Created by the Dancers
Dancers: Camille Beck, Kelvin Burzon, Hannah Crane, Cherese Dillman, Grace Fornefeld, Jayna Ratcliff
Music: “Sódade” by Cesária Evora and Bonga
Part VIII: Finding the Way
Each decision that you make comes with consequences. It’s free will.
Have you made your decision on one which road to take?
Life is a balance, the yin and the yang.
Anger and happiness, the low and the high, lo bueno y lo malo, the good and the bad
Puertas abriertas……Find the open doors and look for harmony to create your own purpose in life.
Elegua, guardian of the crossroads, will be present to lead and help you navigate your chosen camino to your limitless possibilities in life.
Dancers: Entire Company
Music: “Elegua” by Nic N’Taya
Seda Negra/Black Silk Dance Company Bios
Camille Beck
Kelvin Burzon
Hannah Crane
Amber Daniel
Cherese Dillman
Grace Fornefeld
Jayna Ratcliff
Amelia Smith
Briony Towler
Jiang Xu 江凝旭
Director Bios
Iris Rosa Santiago
Baba Stafford C. Berry, Jr.
Panel Moderators
Dr. Solimar Otero
Dr. Eric Mayer-García
Collaborators / Community Partners
Alan Blankstein
Robin Williams

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